
时间:2020-09-30  来源:Symfony  阅读:





public function sqlAction($type){
        $conn = $this->get("database_connection");
        switch ($type) {
            case 1://向省市区表插入数据省市区信息
                $info_sheng = $conn->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM db_yhm_city  WHERE class_type = 1");
                foreach ($info_sheng as $index => $value) {
                    $conn->insert("area", array("parent_id" => 0, "name" => $value["class_name"], "status" => 1));
                    $conn->insert("area_path", array("area_id" => $conn->lastInsertId(), "level" => 0));
                $info_shi = $conn->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM db_yhm_city  WHERE class_type = 2");
                foreach ($info_shi as $index => $value) {
                    $name = $conn->fetchColumn("SELECT class_name FROM db_yhm_city WHERE class_id = ?", array($value["class_parent_id"]));
                    $id = $conn->fetchColumn("SELECT id FROM area WHERE name = ?", array($name));
                    $conn->insert("area", array("parent_id" => $id, "name" => $value["class_name"], "status" => 1));
                    $conn->insert("area_path", array("area_id" => $conn->lastInsertId(), "path_id" => $id, "level" => 1));
                $info_qu = $conn->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM db_yhm_city  WHERE class_type = 3");
                foreach ($info_qu as $index => $value) {
                    $name = $conn->fetchColumn("SELECT class_name FROM db_yhm_city WHERE class_id = ?", array($value["class_parent_id"]));
                    $id = $conn->fetchAll("SELECT id FROM area WHERE name = ?", array($name));
                    if(count($id) == 2){
                        $id[0] = $id[1];
                    $conn->insert("area", array("parent_id" => $id[0]["id"], "name" => $value["class_name"], "status" => 1));
                    $conn->insert("area_path", array("area_id" => $conn->lastInsertId(), "path_id" => $id[0]["id"], "level" => 2));
            case 2://向省市区表插入车牌号信息
                $conn->executeUpdate("update area set short_name = """);
//              插入省
                $info_sheng = $conn->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM auto_belonging WHERE provinceid = 0");
                foreach ($info_sheng as $index => $value) {
                    $conn->executeUpdate("update area set short_name = "".$value["citycode"]."" where parent_id = 0 AND name LIKE "".substr($value["city"],0,6)."%"");
//              插入市(对天津上海和北京特殊处理)
                echo "
                echo "
                echo "
                $info_shi_o = $conn->fetchAll("select  path_id FROM area_path  WHERE level = 1 GROUP BY  path_id");
                foreach($info_shi_o as $index => $value){
                    $q_name = $conn->fetchColumn("select short_name FROM area WHERE id = ?",array($value["path_id"]));
                    if($q_name != "京" && $q_name != "津" && $q_name != "沪" && !empty($q_name)){
                        $q_id = $conn->fetchColumn("SELECT cityid FROM auto_belonging WHERE citycode = ?",array($q_name));
                        $q_code = $conn->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM auto_belonging WHERE provinceid = ?",array($q_id));
                        foreach($q_code as $i => $v){
                            if(!empty($v["city"])&&!empty(substr($v["citycode"], 3))) {
                                echo "
                                echo "
//                                echo  "
"."update area set short_name = "" . mb_substr($v["citycode"], 1, 1, "utf-8") . "" WHERE parent_id <> 0 and name LIKE "%" . mb_substr($v["city"], 0, 2, "utf-8") . "%";"."
                                echo "
"."update area set short_name = "" . mb_substr($v["citycode"], 1, 1,"utf-8") . "" WHERE parent_id <> 0 and name LIKE "%" . mb_substr($v["city"],0,2,"utf-8") . "%"" . "
                                $rows = $conn->executeUpdate("update area set short_name = "" . mb_substr($v["citycode"], 1, 1,"utf-8") . "" WHERE parent_id <> 0 and name LIKE "%" . mb_substr($v["city"],0,2,"utf-8") . "%"");
                                if($rows < 1){ $rows = $conn->executeUpdate("update area set short_name = "" . mb_substr($v["citycode"],1,1, "utf-8")."" WHERE parent_id <> 0 and name LIKE "%" . mb_substr($v["city"],0,2, "utf-8") . "%"");
                                    if($rows < 1){
                                        echo  "
"."update area set short_name = "" . mb_substr($v["citycode"],1,1,"utf-8") . "" WHERE parent_id <> 0 and name LIKE "%" . mb_substr($v["city"], 0, 2, "utf-8") . "%";"."
                                for($i = 0; $i<1000 ;$i++){
                                    for($j = 0; $j<1000; $j++){
                                echo "
                echo "
                        //A C E F H J K(市内一般车辆)
                        //G(远郊区县) 北京地区之间的车辆没有明显区别。“京“字后面的字母不代表地区
                        //红色的是使领馆的(第一个字“使”为红字,其余为黑色)。你说的“京B KD264”,这只是一个排列问题
                        //之外其他部门(比如驻京的研究所、院校、医院等)的车辆。 京A80,81,82,83,88是国务院,国管局,钓鱼台等牛人的车
                    $berjing_str = $tianjing_str = $shanghai_str = "";
                    $biejing = $conn->fetchAll("SELECT citycode FROM auto_belonging WHERE provinceid = 397");
                    $tianjing = $conn->fetchAll("SELECT citycode FROM auto_belonging WHERE provinceid = 411");
                    $shanghai = $conn->fetchAll("SELECT citycode FROM auto_belonging WHERE provinceid = 420");
                    foreach($biejing as $index => $value){
                        $berjing_str = $berjing_str.substr($value["citycode"],3);
                    $conn->update("area",array("short_name" => $berjing_str),array("id" => 51));
                    foreach($tianjing as $index => $value){
                        $tianjing_str = $tianjing_str.substr($value["citycode"],3);
                    $conn->update("area",array("short_name" => $tianjing_str),array("id" => 342));
                    foreach($shanghai as $index => $value){
                        $shanghai_str = $shanghai_str.substr($value["citycode"],3);
                    $conn->update("area",array("short_name" => $shanghai_str),array("id" => 320));
//                将县级的清空
                $area = $conn->fetchAll("select  area_id FROM area_path  WHERE level = 2 ");
                foreach($area as $index => $value){
                    $conn ->update("area",array( "short_name" => ""),array("id" => $value["area_id"]));
                    for($i = 0; $i<1000 ;$i++){
                        for($j = 0; $j<1000; $j++){ } } } break; } return new JsonResponse(array("data" =>array()));



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