ubb代码_ubb 转换成html代码

时间:2015-03-12  来源:Ubuntu  阅读:

function unhtml(s_string)
 "s_string=replace(s_string," "," ")
end function
function ubbimg(s_string)
 s_string=replace(s_string,"[img]","  ubbimg=replace(s_string,"[/img]","">")
end function
function ubb_url(s_string)
 if start_pos>0 then
  if end_pos>0 then
   call ubb_url(s_string)
  end if
 end if
end function
function ubburl(s_string)
 if start_pos>0 then
  if end_pos>0 and end_pos2>end_pos then
   call ubburl(s_string)
  end if
 end if
end function
function unquot(s_string)
end function
function fbdwords(s_string,s_fbdwords)
 a_string=split(s_fbdwords," ")
 for i=0 to n
  if trim(a_string(i))<>"" then
  end if
end function
function existswords(s_string,s_fbdwords)
 a_string=split(s_fbdwords," ")
 for i=0 to n
  if trim(a_string(i))<>"" and instr(s_string,a_string(i))>0 then
   exit for
  end if
end function

ubb代码_ubb 转换成html代码


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